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Dual Diagnosis Treatment

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Dual Diagnosis Treatment

Dual diagnosis—also known as co-occurring disorders or co-occurring mental health disorders—is common among those living with a substance use disorder. According to MedlinePlus, a service of the National Library of Medicine, roughly half of all people with a substance use disorder also live with a mental health disorder. Fortunately, Gulf Coast Recovery Center offers dual diagnosis treatment centers in Tampa. This treatment enables patients to get sober and manage their mental health symptoms at the same time.

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What To Expect from Our Dual Diagnosis Treatment Centers in Tampa

When a person begins dual diagnosis treatment at Gulf Coast Recovery Center, they are first clinically assessed for dual diagnosis. If it turns out they have dual diagnosis, our staff works up an individualized treatment plan to address their needs.

Our programs include the following to address dual diagnosis:

  1. Psychiatry and clinical assessments
  2. Partial Hospitalization Program (PHP)
  3. Intensive Outpatient Program (IOP)
  4. Sober Living

Signs and Symptoms of a Dual Diagnosis Disorder

While dual diagnosis is common, identifying a dual diagnosis patient can be tricky. Fortunately, many drug and alcohol screening tools have made it easier for mental health professionals to spot possible co-occurring disorders. The following symptoms could suggest a person may need dual diagnosis treatment:

  • Insomnia (trouble falling asleep) or hypersomnia (excessive sleepiness)
  • Malnutrition
  • Significant weight loss or weight gain
  • Extreme fatigue
  • Poor hygiene

Meanwhile, the following mental health symptoms suggest a person may be a candidate for dual  diagnosis treatment:

  • Turning to alcohol or other drugs to deal with anger, stress, or sadness
  • Social isolation or withdrawal from family
  • No longer finding joy in once-beloved activities
  • Intense bursts of energy
  • Aggressive behaviors
  • Self-harming behaviors
  • Suicidal thoughts

Common Dual Diagnosis Disorders

Some common co-occurring mental health disorders that occur alongside a substance use disorder include:

  • Depression
  • Anxiety disorders
  • Post-Traumatic Stress Disorder (PTSD)
  • Obsessive-Compulsive Disorder (OCD)
  • Panic disorders
  • Borderline Personality Disorder (BPD)
  • Bipolar disorder
  • Eating disorders
  • Schizophrenia

Causes of a Dual Diagnosis Disorder

Dual diagnosis often results from a combination of genetic, environmental, and psychological factors. Genetic predisposition toward a mental health disorder or a substance use disorder is possible. Also, adverse experiences in childhood, like trauma or chronic stress, can increase the risk of developing either or both disorders.

Self-medication is another common cause of dual diagnosis. It occurs when a person with untreated mental health issues turns to substances to alleviate their negative thoughts and feelings. Unfortunately, substance use can easily exacerbate the symptoms of a mental health disorder, which leads to the person turning to substances more often and in higher quantities. This leads to a cycle of dependency and worsening psychological symptoms.

How We Treat Dual Diagnosis Disorders

At Gulf Coast Recovery Center, the first step in treating co-occurring disorders is to enter the patient into a detox program for their substance abuse. This program typically lasts between three and five days, depending on the patient’s withdrawal symptoms and history of substance abuse.

Following detox, treatment of both the substance use disorder and the mental health disorder begins at the same time. Our dual diagnosis treatment centers in Tampa offer various proven therapies, including psychiatry and group therapy. These and other therapies help the patient understand their addiction as well as their attendant mental health disorders.

Gulf Coast Recovery Center also offers holistic therapy to round out the patient’s treatment. Holistic therapy has been shown to be especially helpful in getting the patient to engage more deeply in their recovery.

Benefits of Dual Diagnosis Treatment in Tampa

Because mental health and addiction so often influence one another, the simultaneous treatment of both disorders offers the best chance for long-term recovery and well-being. Other advantages of dual diagnosis treatment centers in Tampa include:

  • Dual diagnosis includes a full clinical assessment for a greater understanding of each disorder
  • Working through trauma that may be contributing to the addictive behaviors
  • Teaching recovery skills to cope with withdrawal
  • Counseling to help with emotional regulation and relationship-building

Does Insurance Cover Dual Diagnosis Treatment?

Insurance coverage for dual diagnosis treatment can vary, based on the specific insurance plan and the specific treatment facility. However, an increased recognition of the importance of comprehensive and integrated care for people living with co-occurring disorders has taken place nationwide in recent years.

A few key points to remember when considering whether your insurance plan covers dual diagnosis treatment are:

  • Variations in coverage. Some plans may cover all or a significant portion of the costs associated with dual diagnosis treatment, while others may offer limited coverage or none at all.
  • In-network versus out-of-network. Insurance plans almost always have a network of preferred providers. Providers who are in-network providers have already negotiated pay rates with the insurance company, resulting in lower costs for the insurance plan’s members. If the dual diagnosis treatment facility under consideration is out-of-network, the person will likely have to pay a higher rate.
  • Preauthorization. Some insurance plans require prior approval from the patient’s primary care doctor before covering certain treatments.
  • Types of treatment covered. Coverage might vary based on the type of treatment needed—detox, inpatient or outpatient treatment, medication management, and the like.
  • Parity laws. In some areas of the U.S., mental health and addiction parity laws require insurance plans to provide coverage for treatment of both mental health and substance use disorder in a way comparable to coverage for physical health conditions.

It’s important to carefully review your insurance policy and contact your insurance provider to understand the specifics of your coverage for dual diagnosis treatment. Also, Gulf Coast Recovery Center can assist prospective clients with insurance-related matters.

Medically Reviewed
Medically Reviewed by

Jennifer Strong, LMHC

Written by Gulf Coast Recovery Staff Updated on January 12, 2024

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Our Dual Diagnosis Treatment Centers In Tampa Are Here For You

At Gulf Coast Recovery Center, our dual diagnosis treatment centers in Tampa provide individualized detox and rehab services through a variety of therapeutic approaches to treat the whole patient. This means that our medical professionals will address not only the patient’s addictive behaviors but the underlying mental health disorders that led to these behaviors. Contact us today.


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