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Heroin addiction is a progressive disease. This means that, without treatment, the addict quickly grows dependent on the drug until it wrecks not just their life but the lives of their loved ones. Fortunately, Gulf Coast Recovery in Tampa offers comprehensive heroin rehab.

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What is Heroin?

Heroin is a powerful and highly addictive opioid. Other opioids include morphine, fentanyl, opium, and prescription painkillers like Oxycontin. Heroin usually appears as either a powder or a sticky, tar-like substance. It can be smoked, snorted, or injected into the veins via a hypodermic needle.

However heroin enters the body, it is converted into morphine, binding to the brain and body’s opioid receptors. These opioid receptors govern the perception of pain and reward, and using heroin increases feelings of pleasure and decreases feelings of pain.

Heroin also affects how the brain regulates the operation of vital organs like the heart and lungs. Therefore, a heroin overdose can be fatal. The symptoms of a heroin overdose include the loss of consciousness, shallow breathing, weakened pulse, and a drop in body temperature.

Signs and Symptoms of Heroin Addiction

The signs and symptoms of heroin addiction tend to vary among users, based on the user’s genetic makeup, the amount of heroin used, and the user’s physical dependency. While some symptoms are readily noticeable, others are less so.

Physical symptoms

  • Lack of hygiene
  • Track marks on legs and arms
  • Infections on the skin from injection sites
  • Weight loss
  • Poor coordination
  • Sweating
  • Nausea and vomiting
  • Constipation
  • Insomnia or hypersomnia

Cognitive symptoms

  • Lack of hygiene
  • Track marks on legs and arms
  • Infections on the skin from injection sites
  • Weight loss
  • Poor coordination
  • Sweating
  • Nausea and vomiting
  • Constipation
  • Insomnia or hypersomnia

Psychosocial symptoms

  • Depressed mood
  • Increased anxiety
  • Inability to experience pleasure
  • Wild mood swings
  • Agitation

Why Is Heroin So Addictive?

According to the U.S. Drug Enforcement Agency (DEA), heroin is classified as a Schedule I drug in the U.S. This means it poses a high risk for addiction and claims no legitimate medical use.

When a person uses heroin, they often experience an intense, euphoric “rush,” as feelings of pleasure are quickly increased while feelings of pain are muted. This effect makes heroin attractive to those seeking a recreational high. However, the rush lasts for only a few minutes, and so users may want to do it repeatedly.

How Does Our Heroin Rehab in Tampa Work?

Gulf Coast Recovery Center’s heroin rehab in Tampa offers comprehensive addiction treatment to those struggling with heroin dependence. Our facilities provide medically supervised detoxification, individualized therapy sessions, and group support.

Our rehab clinics combine evidence-based approaches with holistic therapies to promote true healing. With a focus on relapse prevention and skill-building, individuals receive the tools necessary to kick heroin and achieve mental and physical well-being.

Benefits of Heroin Addiction Treatment

One of the chief benefits of comprehensive heroin addiction treatment is that it provides a structured and supportive environment to safely rid the drug from one’s system. With the proper medical supervision, the risk of life-threatening heroin withdrawal symptoms is reduced.

Behavioral therapies help people understand the causes of their heroin addiction. This helps them to develop coping strategies and build life skills so that the risk of relapse is reduced. Also, our heroin rehab fosters emotional healing and rebuilds people’s self-esteem. By proactively engaging in treatment, people can begin to reclaim control of their lives and work toward a more fulfilling future.

Long-Term Effects of Heroin Addiction

Heroin addiction can have profound and lasting effects on a person’s physical and psychological well-being. Long-term heroin use often leads to severe health complications which can negatively impact various aspects of a person’s life.

Physically, heroin abuse can cause grave damage. Long-term users often experience deteriorating health, compromised immune systems, and increased vulnerability to infectious diseases like HIV and hepatitis. (This is due to the sharing of needles among heroin users.) Also, heroin often contains additives like sugar, starch, or powdered milk. Any one of these substances can clog the blood vessels leading to the lungs, liver, kidneys, or brain, causing permanent damage.

Heroin can also lead to respiratory issues like pneumonia. Meanwhile, repeated heroin injections can collapse veins. Chronic constipation among heroin users is common, while hormonal imbalances can lead to disrupted menstrual cycles and sexual dysfunction.

Psychologically, heroin addiction can create significant disruptions in behavior and emotional well-being. After all, extended heroin use rewires the brain’s reward system, leading to cravings so intense that all a person can focus on is using the drug. This places a strain on relationships, leads to the neglect of responsibilities, and reduces engagement in activities that once brought joy and fulfillment.

Aside from just the physical and psychological damage, however, long-term heroin use can also result in social isolation, financial difficulties, and legal problems due to criminal activities associated with heroin use. It is therefore crucial for individuals struggling with heroin addiction to seek help as soon as possible to avoid these dire consequences.

How Is Heroin Addiction Treated?

When considering heroin rehab in Tampa, it’s wise to remember that the most effective and comprehensive treatment begins with a medically supervised detoxification period of three to five days.

This should be followed by an individualized addiction treatment plan. This plan must address not just the addiction but any possible co-occurring mental health disorders, such as depression, anxiety, or trauma. It should also impart life skills so that the addict can avoid relapse once they return to their everyday lives.

Medically Reviewed
Medically Reviewed by

Jennifer Strong, LMHC

Written by Gulf Coast Recovery Staff Updated on January 12, 2024

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Begin Heroin Rehab in Tampa, FL

Ending heroin addiction is vital to regaining a sense of value in one’s life. With the help of Gulf Coast Recovery, you will enter a safe, supportive environment in which to recover from substance abuse and flourish in extended recovery. Our team of compassionate medical professionals will guide you to living a happy and drug-free life. Contact us today to begin your heroin rehab in Tampa, Florida.


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