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Crystals for Anxiety in South Florida

A picture of thirteen healing crystals for anxiety.

Finding Crystals For Anxiety in South Florida Crystals for anxiety have become a popular trend for those seeking alternative methods to manage stress and anxious feelings. The allure of natural remedies and the aesthetic appeal of these beautiful stones make them a go-to choice for many individuals looking for a sense of calm. However, while […]

Mixed Anxiety and Depression: Know The Signs

woman with mixed anxiety and depressive disorders

Anxiety and depression are among the most common types of mental health disorders in the US. Due to overlapping symptoms and similar root causes, many people have both—or, a mixed anxiety and depressive disorder. As a result, symptoms of one disorder feed into the symptoms of the other. Gulf Coast Recovery Center can help you […]

Signs and Symptoms of Mild Serotonin Syndrome

woman taking too many antidepressants could have mild serotonin syndrome

Antidepressants are one of the first lines of treatment for depression and anxiety disorders. However, you could have signs and symptoms of mild serotonin syndrome if you take antidepressants along with other medications, illegal drugs, or supplements. Knowing the signs and symptoms can help you understand the potential side effects of drug interactions with antidepressants. […]

When Do I Go To The Hospital for Anxiety?

woman with anxiety wonders if she should go to the hospital

Anxiety can make you feel like the world is ending and that your life is in danger. Overwhelming feelings of dread and fear can cause physical symptoms, like difficulty breathing and heart palpitations. So, are there any occasions when you should go to the hospital for anxiety? At Gulf Coast Recovery Center, we understand that […]

Avoidant Personality Disorder vs Social Anxiety

woman displays avoidant behaviors due to social anxiety

Mental health disorders often have overlapping and similar symptoms. Thus, it can be difficult to tell the difference without a professional evaluation. The similarities between avoidant personality disorder vs social anxiety can lead to an incorrect self-diagnosis of two disorders that vastly differ in terms of causes and treatment. Gulf Coast Recovery Center in Tampa, […]

Can I Get Disability for Anxiety and Depression?

woman with severe anxiety and depression might have a qualifying disability

If your symptoms are severe, you can get disability for anxiety and depression. The Social Security Administration (SSA) provides benefits for those who struggle to find or maintain gainful employment due to mental health disorders. Along with anxiety and depression, other disorders, such as bipolar disorder, obsessive-compulsive disorder (OCD), and schizophrenia, may qualify for disability […]

Is Anxiety a Hereditary Mental Health Disorder?

man with an anxiety disorder in therapy

According to the Anxiety & Depression Association of America (ADAA), anxiety disorders affect about 40 million US adults per year—or 19.1% of the total population. This makes anxiety disorders the most common type of mental health disorder in the US. So, what are the causes? And, is anxiety hereditary or is it a learned response […]