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Is Bipolar Disorder a Disability?

concept of bipolar disorder cycles between mania and functional states

If you struggle significantly in major life areas due to a mental illness, then it may qualify as a disability. For some people, bipolar disorder can be a disability. However, regardless of disability status, bipolar disorder can be treated, and you can make significant steps toward recovery. Gulf Coast Recovery Center provides mental health treatment […]

Borderline Personality Disorder Vs Bipolar

woman with co-occurring borderline personality disorder and bipolar

Some mental health disorders share similarities due to symptoms and underlying causes. However, it’s important to have the correct diagnosis to find the best pathway to treatment. A common example of this is understanding borderline personality disorder vs bipolar. At Gulf Coast Recovery Center, we offer comprehensive treatment for several types of mental health disorders. […]

What is Sleep Deprivation Psychosis?

man struggles with sleep deprivation psychosis

Sleep deprivation psychosis can occur when you aren’t getting enough good-quality sleep. When you don’t address this issue, your symptoms can worsen—even leading to the development of chronic medical and mental health conditions. Gulf Coast Recovery Center is here to help you or your loved one with mental health disorders resulting from—or causing—sleep deprivation. Visit […]

Mixed Anxiety and Depression: Know The Signs

woman with mixed anxiety and depressive disorders

Anxiety and depression are among the most common types of mental health disorders in the US. Due to overlapping symptoms and similar root causes, many people have both—or, a mixed anxiety and depressive disorder. As a result, symptoms of one disorder feed into the symptoms of the other. Gulf Coast Recovery Center can help you […]

Signs and Symptoms of Mild Serotonin Syndrome

woman taking too many antidepressants could have mild serotonin syndrome

Antidepressants are one of the first lines of treatment for depression and anxiety disorders. However, you could have signs and symptoms of mild serotonin syndrome if you take antidepressants along with other medications, illegal drugs, or supplements. Knowing the signs and symptoms can help you understand the potential side effects of drug interactions with antidepressants. […]

The Florida Baker Act: How Do I Get Someone Baker Acted?

talking to someone about the Baker Act in Florida

When a loved one needs mental health treatment, but refuses, it’s understandable to be concerned. After all, their mental health could continue to deteriorate—leading to worsening symptoms, which can be life-threatening. Knowing how to Baker Act someone in Florida can help you learn how to get help for someone who doesn’t think—or know—they need it. […]

When Do I Go To The Hospital for Anxiety?

woman with anxiety wonders if she should go to the hospital

Anxiety can make you feel like the world is ending and that your life is in danger. Overwhelming feelings of dread and fear can cause physical symptoms, like difficulty breathing and heart palpitations. So, are there any occasions when you should go to the hospital for anxiety? At Gulf Coast Recovery Center, we understand that […]

Personality Disorder vs Mood Disorder: What’s The Difference?

concept of personality disorder vs mood disorder

It can be difficult to tell the difference between a personality disorder vs a mood disorder. However, a proper diagnosis is necessary to find the best treatment approach for either disorder. Mental health professionals can help you identify which type of disorder you have—and help you overcome your symptoms. Gulf Coast Recovery Center is a […]

What Does OCD Feel Like?

person with OCD describes what the disorder feels like

Obsessive-Compulsive Disorder (OCD) is a mental health condition that affects millions of individuals worldwide. Despite its prevalence, misconceptions surrounding OCD still persist. Understanding the signs, symptoms, and what OCD can feel like is crucial in providing effective support and treatment. At Gulf Coast Recovery Center, we offer effective treatment for this challenging disorder. If you […]

How to Tell if Someone is Gaslighting You in a Relationship

how to tell if someone is gaslighting you in a relationship. A woman wondering what does it mean to gaslight someone.

In relationships, open communication and trust form the bedrock of a healthy partnership. However, these foundational elements can be eroded by a manipulative tactic known as gaslighting. This psychological strategy undermines a person’s reality, making them doubt their perceptions, memories, and sanity. Understanding gaslighting, recognizing its signs, and acknowledging its detrimental impact on mental health […]